When taking a loan or advance, take time to calculate what you need - ask for what you need, and not for what you want. Many people make the mistake of asking for more than they need.
If you have other money expenses that cost more, then you can justify asking for more, but try to keep within reason - you don't want to be dinged in high interest rates and fees unless absolutely necessary. Anytime you get a loan or advance, the cash you get costs something - is it worth the extra payments to get what you just extravagantly want?
Think it all through - are you trying to meet your house, energy, water, insurance, medical etc. payments and other bills for two or more months when you can go back to work? Add it all up and ask for that amount. If you are also thinking to add on some new clothes or other luxury, think again. You'll be paying so much more for them by using the loan or advance money for them. Figure out your budget and ask for what you need, not what you want. .
Perhaps you need surgery, and it can’t wait. Maybe that is due to the event that the lawsuit is about. You might need an advance to take the time to have the surgery (and perhaps further strengthen your case). Figure how much the surgery will cost and how much to ask for (do you have to pay it right away or push it back to when you get your lawsuit payment?).
In any case, be realistic of what you need money for, not what you want money for.
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